Motorcycles (for the purposes of this course, assume that mopeds are included in most cases) present a unique challenge. Like bicycles, they are vehicles. Unlike bicycles, motorcycles are always on the same roads as passenger and commercial vehicles. On top of that, and, unlike bicycles, this includes restricted access highways. Finally, motorcycle riders, like you, are subject to all traffic laws and can receive citations for violating those laws. Consider these rules for driving and sharing the road with motorcyclists:
Now, because a motorcycle is a vehicle, albeit also a VRU, and you will use the same roads as will passenger vehicles, you must be aware of your responsibilities. You may not be a licensed motorcyclist now, but you may decide to get a motorcycle license at some point in the future. That said, consider this:
While that takes care of VRUs, there is still more you need to know u2013 or at least remember. Let’s now explore certain vehicles that require unique treatment. First up…